Notice. | RocketBomber


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I can tell from the visitor logs that someone is trying to hack, redirect, or otherwise gain control of this blog (why? the other thing I can tell from the visitor logs is how infrequent the traffic is) and while I can ban IPs (and will start doing so) I realize the futility there because any entity with the knowledge to try this kind of hack, however hamfistedly, likely also knows how to redirect so as to come at it from a different IP.

So I’m just going to put this on the front page for a bit: Whoever you are, just stop.

Obviously it’s not working for you, and having any sort of “in” to the back-end of my CMS doesn’t really matter when I have separate control, through the company from which I purchase webhosting, to the SQL databases and actual files. In a worse case scenario, I just delete the blog, reinstall, and restore from backups. Though I shouldn’t have to go that far. (But thanks for the reminder to to do a backup)

You can save a lot of your time by just not trying. As for my time: well, I’ll just keep monitoring the situation.