Dineus, overview. | RocketBomber

Dineus, overview.

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Free City, minor trade port
Location: eastern coast of Altis, on the north-east ‘corner’
population: rank 5 (of 10)
Name Derived From: Dionysus, Greek god of wine, and numerous places named after him.
Model: nothing specific? This may end up being my starting point (Or, in a gaming frame: if not the starting town for the party, then the first ‘big’ city and base camp for the campaign after a couple of sessions) so I left myself a lot of wiggle.
Flavor Text:

Led by their fiercely independent Count and a like minded council, the free traders of Dineus are holding their own, refusing to join any power group in the region and just as contemptuous of the Capel Merchant League as they are of the Prince in Pontis.

Dineus is a logical acquisition for the Capel, but serious diplomatic missteps have closed that door, perhaps forever. The Count here felt personally insulted by the behavior of the first Capel House Master, in an act that was witnessed by all the council and most of the other city elite, as the house master not only treated the Count like a butler at dinner (without realizing who it was he insulted) but finishing up his short evening by grabbing the Count’s daughter and ‘whispering’ some very foul suggestions to her on his way out. The man missed being killed by the count by a very slim margin, but rumor says that the Capel finished up the job later when the true extent of his bungling was found out. An unofficial state of war exists, with the count covertly supporting several privateers in Nectene as his own devious revenge, preying only on the ships owned by Admiral Varin and other members of the Capel executive council.