Tags | RocketBomber
2020 assignments, admin, after 10 end notes it’s probably time to stop writing for the day, amazon, a month of sundays, asterisk, back up your data, boomers suck, building community, calendar fun, character studies, common sense copyright, creative commons, digressions and asides, dog days of summer, don't hit that button, etymology and old words, fantasy faction, fiction projects, filthy commerce, finding center, finding communities, first person, game design, gen x, get the work done, gifts, gm advice, google frontline merchants of cool it's 20 years old but still solid background, grey days of winter, ground rules, high school sucks in practice but rules in retrospect, hire me already, historiographer of sociology, hm the endnotes are back again should i be worried, holiday, housekeeping, i get to be the bad guy here and i relish the role, i love my job no really, is star wars sci-fi or space fantasy i don't know if we finished arguing that, i will be checking your progress later, maps and map hacks, millennial, nailing these to the door, need to call pest control, never read the comments, new starts, new year new mess, next i'll be putting footnotes in the blog titles, obligatory sorry-this-post-is-late post, old school sci-fi, online retail, oops, order of the day, paralysis of choice, pop culture circus, proposals, putting yourself out there, remember to breathe, rpg mechanics, rpg source material, rpg systems, seriously though about the posture thing, shameless self promotion, shopping, shores of amphithael, snippet, social media, some of these long asides should probably be endnotes, sometimes i just get really focused on the one thing, sometimes it do be like that, so much effort over so little traffic, streaming, table top, television, the daily grind, the weight, this isn't a diary, this isn't a diary blog, this isn't a poetry blog, this isn't a political blog, time-sinks, unannounced, vibes nothing but vibes, work hacks, worldbuilding, writing about nothing, writing about writing, writing sins, ztt
